Thank You.
Dear Howick Community Members,
Business Owners, Government Officials and Visionaries
A warm “thank you” to each and every one of you who attended the Love Howick ‘Masikhule Sonke’ event on Friday last week, held at the beautiful Oasis Conference Centre.
We appreciate that you took the time out of your day to join us in learning more about the vision for our beautiful town of Howick and how we can work together to uplift our economy and community.
Since it was an incredibly HOT day and a lot of valuable information being shared, we decided it would be a good idea to attach the links to the following items for your reference and further use:
If you identified people who did not attend the presentation, but who would be critical role players in the next steps of our program, please feel free to share these links and information with them.
1. Go to the Love Howick facebook page and like it, so that you can receive updates and news.
2. We will be hosting a ‘THINK TANK’ meeting to further discuss the ideas presented as part of the ‘Masikhule Sonke’ initiative. Details for this meeting include:
- TIME: 8 AM-10 AM
3. If you would like to be part of generating a concrete implementation plan for the ideas presented in the Masikhule Sonke Plan, or would like to be a part of investing in this plan, please RSVP to attend the event by replying to with your Name, Contact Details and Company Name before Mon 18 November 2019.
4. Invite other key players to join us and be a part of the solution. Love Howick is committed to creating a platform for collaboration, shared vision and cohesive action. Let’s come ‘together for transformation’.
To start our engagement process, please assist us by filling out the quick survey below – it will only take 2 minutes!
The intention for the ‘THINK TANK’ Meeting, is to spend about an hour as a group brainstorming ideas, suggestions and possible solutions in an open forum based on the ‘Masikhule Sonke’ plan. We need all the players at the table so that we can share information easily. No ideas are silly and all ideas are welcomed.
Thereafter, we will split up into the 4 identified groups (and a group for potential investors), to create action plans for each sector. These groups being:
- Tourism
- N3 Toll Road
- Forestry and Agriculture
- Security
- Potential Entrepreneurship Programme Investors
Our First Goal is to have action plans and strategies in place for each group and clear direction as to how they will work together.
Our Second Goal is to have 25 entrepreneurs and 25 investors identified and connected by January 2020, so that we can get the Entrepreneurship School up and running.
If you are interested in being an entrepreneur, a mentor or an investor, please contact us in writing so that we can start talking.
Please also join us at the meeting on Thursday 21 | November 2019.
We are trying to co-ordinate this meeting so Brend Badenhorst from Entrepreneurship School can join us on Skype – this will be confirmed.
We look forward to working with you and being a part of shaping the future of this region. This is an incredible opportunity for growth and development in our community. Any questions and queries can be directed to Matt Hogarty (
Warmest regards,
Your Love Howick Team